De Slimme Keuze voor Huisdierverzorging: Drinkfontein en Voerautomaat van Petlux

The Smart Choice for Pet Care: Drinking Fountain and Pet Feeder from Petlux


In the pursuit of a healthier and happier life for our pets, Petlux offers two innovative products: a drinking fountain and an automatic feeder. These devices are not only easy to use thanks to advanced app controls, but also ensure better health and well-being for our pets. Let's delve deeper into the features and benefits of these products.

Petlux Drinking Fountain: Fresh and Healthy Water for your Pet

The importance of fresh, clean drinking water for pets cannot be overstated. The Petlux drinking fountain is designed to provide exactly that:

  • Advanced Filtration System: Equipped with a carbon filter, this drinking fountain filters hair, dirt, tastes and odors from the water, keeping it constantly fresh and oxygen-rich.
  • Circulation pump: The built-in pump ensures continuous water circulation, which improves water quality.
  • App Control: With the app you can check the water level, receive notifications when the water needs to be refilled, and keep track of everything in a clear dashboard.

This drinking fountain is an essential asset for pet owners who want to take care of the hydration and health of their pets.

Petlux Automatic Feeder: Controlled Customized Food

A balanced diet is crucial for pet health. The Petlux automatic feeder makes it easy to feed pets in doses and on time:

  • Controlled Portions: Set the correct amount of food via the app, in steps of 10 grams, with a maximum of 15 portions at a time.
  • App Control: Monitor food levels, receive low stock notifications, and manage your pet's feeding schedule.
  • Dual Power Source: The feeder runs on both mains power and batteries, which is useful as a backup.

By providing the right amount of food, this automatic feeder helps your pet maintain a healthy weight, which prevents overfeeding or underfeeding.


The combination of the Petlux drinking fountain and automatic feeder represents a smart approach to pet care. These devices allow pet owners to manage the daily care of their beloved four-legged friends easily and efficiently. They not only provide convenience and peace of mind for the owner, but also contribute to a healthier lifestyle for pets. In short, these Petlux products are a must-have

every responsible pet owner who strives for the best for their pets, both in terms of nutrition and hydration.

The Petlux drinking fountain and automatic feeder are more than just handy gadgets; they are an investment in the health and well-being of our pets. By integrating technology into daily care, these products make the lives of both pets and their owners significantly more pleasant and healthier.

In a world where our time and attention are often divided, these smart devices provide a reliable and consistent way to care for our beloved pets. Whether you work long hours, travel often, or just want to make sure your pet always has access to fresh water and food, the Petlux drinking fountain and feeder are ready to help you.

A Smart Choice for Smart Owners

Choosing the Petlux drinking fountain and feeder is a choice for convenience, health and peace of mind. These innovative products set the standard for pet care in the digital age and are indispensable for the modern pet owner. With these products from Petlux you can rest assured that your pet is well cared for, even when you are not there.

With the Petlux drinking fountain and automatic feeder, caring for your pets is not only easier, but also more effective. These products prove that technological innovation can have a positive impact on daily pet care routines, helping both pets and their owners enjoy a higher quality of life.